The Peninsula Times Tribune from Palo Alto, California (2024)


PAGE EIGHT (Q AUTOMOBILES (Gent In usd) 24-real ESTATE FOR SALK (Centlnued) 16-POULTRY AND RABBITS (Continued 9-APARTMENTS FOR RENT (Cawtlwuedl (7-BUSINESS SERVICES OFFERED (Continued) COTTAGE GROVE AND SAN JOSE TALK ANNEXATION SAN JOSE, Nov. 34 Petitions eking tha consolidation of Cottage drove with San Joan will ba circulated, following authorization by -tha city council last night A mall portion of tha original Cottage drove flra district, eliminated In last week's petition, will bo included. Tba proposed to be annexed la about 1.5 square miles with a population of 2,000. lagalor A-titoflEimeg Classified Rates ta leaner llMenti RATKS HR UNB Mlnlnuni Sin, Faar Unaa Una par Hh JJJ 9 COBNMtlVI tiM wl 9 to iwtlfi timm Ut ODMMtto BQltll iiafaaattiMtiaVMV (Contract rates aa eppUaatloa) fraasysrsiars: adrarttaaiMala Caaealtatiaa Mat fea raealra tolMi fha aw. at taaarttaa CtaacaHatlona raeatrad before ad-vertiaeawnta appear la tba paper cannot ba accepted ta taka affect aatll tha adrarttaainant baa appeared at laaat aaa dap.

WaaiiiaiaWinilT ail aat ba aa-waad tar mm tbam aaa laa net taaarttoa at any adrartiaa-SSt'SdSg fee Sr a tlma Errora mnet ba reported by Id am, at day toUowlns taeerttoa am. la etoatng tlma far Ctaaetflad Ada. To iMO proper cmbaKleatiaik daaaiflad ala abnuld bala tbaadBaa batata IMI ta Gardening EXPERT pruning, landscaping, lawns specialty, rock gardens flu ponds shrubs tree moving. Maintenance day, waek or month. Imuuddrtng CARDINAL FRENCH LAUNDRY Barring tha bast cUentale with the finest work.

Phono MU and aaa Call aaywhara PALO ALTO LAUNDRY A SarriM for Every Budget Serving Palo Alto for years EL. Fainting Ttoeo rating Papering, Painting; ots Experienced Contractor. riejjlrtLhnneJ34A PUMerbig PLASTERING Plato, oraamaataL No job too amalL Old stuceo mad new. Free eet leaksan fc Sons Ph. Mountain View 2347.

Window Shades (L W. PATTI Window Shades Shads repairing Venetian blinds Reasonable micas Phona MIL 434 Unlv. Ara. (In Ducrnet Furn Ca) LARGE TYPE In not need Is the Time Columns this given the small advertiser equal attention valoa CLASSIFIED INDEX Indexed Alpha belief Ity Numbers Indldate Order at AlilWIW t-B AOtotnOMll SMMIgtMdMMH II Bctli -A 2-A Business Pereonale t-B Business Sarvioee 17 Educational lIIMIMe66666t I Eschaaiw BmI Mato Hlp Wanted $6 l6NI6fol6666 i.mawm aeeeevveeieMvee Lpani jiidiiiMAigsMiMt6t wanted 21 -A Lost and Foaad i66H6M6l66l 1 Miscellaneous For IS Maaloal Instruments Nursery Stock 6l6lillM6666lilBB PlH0u Pate www. PoaittoM POUltry UiG MiRIIW MM Radios and Parte Real Estate! For Sate For Sate Patel de 15 Wanted SI Rea tala: Apert meats MkWllllliMII I Houooa ididiMMiMAtVsiM If Bfflooollaaoouo Rooma 7 Room aad Baud 1 1 Wanted MeiimiMuflM Be lee man Wanted l-i Wanted MldOdUaadaaa MM 11 Instruments on File 8anU Cbm County (Reported by the San Joan Abstract fc Title Insurance Ca) Deed Calif.

Pacific Title fc Trust Co to Alvina Walker lot 14 blk 81 Emery Subd No 1 Palo Alto. Deed Mabel Laumeiater et al to City of Palo Alto NE Del Ray Ava fc NW Stanford Ava Palo Alto also SW Bouthcourt 160.96 MW Colorado Ava Palo Alta Skeletons of iea creatures are found in the Himalaya mountains, 17,000 feet above sea leveL AtelHIbl STORIES IN STAMPS Hy I. S. Klein I XV'rPVVWrMPFFFHI'FiFr TdisiiAnd lsoi.DE, iTHE great- German composer, Richard Wagner, wrote what la considered his greatest master piece in Tristan and Isolde It is the stay of a Cornish knight who; through a love potion, became enamored of the Prince! of Ireland, despite her former hatred of him and despite the fact that she was betrothed to the Cornish King Mark. When King Mark finds Tristan and Isolde embracing each other, the king1! courtier stabs TVistan.

Carried to hie castle; Tristan ta dying of the wound, and calls for Isolde, who alone can cure him. But Just at the arrives, he dies in her arms. Isolde, grieving over TrUtan'a death, Bings the beautiful "Lleb-estod," or Death of Love; end.1 falls dead beside him. The opera, first presented in 1865, is the subject of one of toe nine stamps by which Germany honored Wagner in 1933. GMnaii (Copyright, ills, NBA Serrica'tnefc NEXT: Who rater at Albania? AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY of Letters Testamentary haa been filed in this court and that the 1st day of December, A D.

1916, at 9:30 o'clock A M. of said day, at the Court Room of the Department of the Presiding Judge of aaid Court, at the Court Housa in the Oty of Ban Joaa baa been set for the bearing of said petition, when and where any peraon interested may appear and contest tha aama and show causa if any they have, why said petition should not ba granted. Dated: November 19, A D. 1936. FRANK W.

HOGAN, Cterke J. MARQUES, Deputy Clerk. (BEAL) ARNOLD RUMWELL, Bank of America Bldg; Palo Alto, California Attorney for Petitioner. Nov. 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 1936.

BY ROBERT DICKSON 1936 NEA Sorvicd, I no. IfcAAAAi Marriage Licenses lamed la Baa Joan David Michaels, 26, and Dorothy Pritx, 22 both of San Joaa. Robert 8. Whitlacb, 22, and Helen Claypool, 21 both of Ban Joaa Lester Rablneon, 29, and Maryon Jack, 21 both of Ban Joaa Ernest Andre, 21, and Dorothy Ttfolett, 19 both of Ban Joaa Thomas Haywood, 88, and Mildred L. Bartoo, 18 both of Oakland.

Joseph Parry, 10, Warm Springs, aad Lida Telia, 28, Ban Joaa William Garriion, 16, Ban Frmn-elaeo, and Blanche A Bhuck, 40, Stockton. for hi Baa Joaa Paid W. Murray, 27, and Esther Evsni, 28 both of Bants Crus. Frank Pusatert, 24, and Mary Trugoli, 20 both of Ban Joaa Harold Baird, 34, and Marjorie Jones, 29-rboth of Ban Franc iaca Joseph Borgea 86, Redwood Oty, and Anna Dutra, 2S, Ban Joaa Howard Whitty, 28, Bangar, and Bertha Moulthrop, 21, Palo Alta Robert F. Buck, 25, and Anita Opperman, 26 both of Gilroy.

Applied for In Redwood Oty Clarence A. Johnson, 41. and Louisa A. Koehn, 6E both of Ban Jon, Clifton V. Mack, 4L end Madonna Maglloeco, 32, both of Ban FYaneiaea leaned In Redwod City Marvin W.

Hidllngahaad. 26, El Cerrito, and Lucille G. Johnson, 20, Berkeley. Lawrence H. Smith, 16, Redwood City, and Elisabeth J.

Schaefer, 29, San Franeisca Henry M. Hendenon, 40, and Isabell B. Thompson, 88, both of San FTanelaca LEGAL Arnold Rum well, Attfy NOTICE OF TIME OF HEARING ON PROBATE OF WILL. Number 21459 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA. In the Hatter of the Estate of SOPHIE LEONESIO, also known as SOPHIE DELNO, Deceased.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition for the probate of the Win of SOPHIE LEONESIO, also known as SOPHIE DELNO, deceased, and for tha issuance to MODEST HOMES AT LOW PRICES FIVE rma, close-in, can ba nought with small payment down, easy terms. 52566. FIVE rma. does la basem*nt, gar. $406 dowa.

2S per mo. $2164. FIVE rma, stucco, hardwd. flra. furnace, fireplace, auto hot water, steel casem*nt windows, dbL gnr.

Easy terms. I1300. PALO ALTO REALTY CO. -524 Waverley SL Phona 1174 GREAT BUY SOUTH PALO Aim) 2 fine bedrooms, 2 tile bathe. Living rm.

with fireplace, tile sink, breakfast no, gaa heat, nice garden. Tarma $4150. CLOSE IN l-ROOM BARGAIN I good bodrma and hath, gas heat garaga Fin condition. Terms. W.

b. WASSON. Ill Unlvenlty Ava NEW HOMES in Barron Park. One has beamed ceiling living room and dining room, plank floors, fully tlted'imth; firephea a lovely placa The other has -1 rma, hr. nook, I tiled bath and sink, dbL gar.

with toilet and laundry trays $6600. Tarma KIZEB. 61 Barron Ava Ph. 1267 GOOD HOME REAL BUY $6156 Six-room modem home In one of the moat desirable Motions of Palo Alta Three large bedrooms 2 tile botba fireplace, breakfeat room, tile sink, cement basem*nt. furnace.

Enclosed grounds gangs SL work paid. Terms avaltohte. CURRIER REALTY COMPANY 2215 Highway Ph. P. A.

6191 ATTENTION BUILDERS Crescent Park's eholeaat kit. surrounded by beautiful homes 117 ft fronts re. Juat on market. Aak ua the pries South Palo Alto location. Near new Junior High.

Street work paid. 56 ft. frontage Price $860.60. STRATTON, 162 University M. A.

14716.60 THE BEST BUY IN TOWN! Modern 5-room Spanish type bungalow, white stucco, tlte roof, tlte bath, good location, easy terma Baa this lovely home right away, it won't last. KOHLER REALTY COMPANY lit Unlvenlty Avanua Phona 6166 5-ROOM modernised atueeo bungalow, near achoolq Community Cantor and bun line. Can ba bought oa terms for $3566. Lot 55x116, South Pate Alto; $656 WILLIAM CRANSTON, INC. $31 University Ph.

6111 BIGGEST BARGAIN ta Fate Alta only blocks from Univanity avanua; badrooma, atueeo eottaga on 56x150 foot corner. Room for another home. Wonderful ranting action. Sas IL No. Ml Cowper EL WALTER REALTY CO.

SIM Broadway, Redwood. HOME IN COLLEGE TERRACE I -room eottaga completely furnished. Lot 50x125, Street work paid. Fruit trees and shrubbery. Price 51606; MARK J.

LOUGHUN 2311 Highway Pb. 4763 RAN FRANCISCO TRADE Modern l-room atueeo detached home on large lot, for Palo Alta Weil finaneedT What have you? JULIA B. PLACE til Ramona Ph. 331S1 WASTE TOUR ENERGY Xa CHmbtog Stairs? Hava one story, tlte roof, I badrm. house, I tlte baths, breakfast rm, large living and dining rma Land-capad tot 16,606 aq.

ft Way below today's coat or building. Box 56, Timea Off lea NEW HOME ON HALF ACRE I rooms; beamed calling In living room, hardwood floors, aun court, fruit treea double garaga ell utlll-tlea Price $4356. Owner. U. undinger, Sants Rita Ara, Los Altoa DUPLEX LOT CORNER 66? 110' naved oorner la Middlefieid Park directly adjacent to Palo Alto.

Full rash price $656.60. HARE. BREWER A CLARK, INC. 636 Ramona Real ton Ph. 4134 2-BEDROOH atueeo with basem*nt furnace, dose In.

House good condition, nice, lawn and ahruba $5000; $506 wilt handle. W. D. WA8SON 111 Unlvonrity Ava Ph. 1111 CHICKEN RANCH 3 acrea all fenced; S-room house; furnace: fruit treea water, gna A-l chicken equipment for 3566 hen $7560, Easy terma JOHN HUBS 1645 University Ava to ACRE COUNTRY HOME 4-room cottage, 1 car chicken equip, for 300, near 101 Highway below Mayfield.

Price 61509 cash. MARK J. LOUGHLIN 3391 Highway di. 4703 $3100 SACRIFICE 5-room hom*o In good condition, tlte draliw. Inlaid linoleum; basem*nt, eneioeed HOME FINDING SERVICE 177 University Avenue Phona 221X5 VERY DESIRABLE home for couple 3-rm.

mod. stucco. Excellent location. Fruit citrus tree shrub Greatly reduced for quick aula Ph. owner.

F. A. 6935. NEW HOMES Now building 4 or 5 rma: targe lota; for sale by owner; mall down payment: terma lees than rent $2750 to $3350. J.

H. Btuhbe, P. A. 4(21. $1500 BEAUTIFUL modern 6-rm, 3 bedrm.

atueeo bungalow, does In; haaeint, furnace; choice cor. 81. wk. all pd. Easy terma Snap.

C. Ellet, 153 Unlv. Ara. Ph. 6S2L 5-ROOM HOUSE, garage; ti mllea west of Menlo Park; large lot with well and nice oak $1095.

Call P. A. 23699 for appointment 14-ROOM HOUSE, 4-ear garage, lot 200x50, partly furnished. Good condition, at 667 Lincoln Ava $3,000.00. Owner at 745 Cowper St SPEND HOLIDAYS In your own home.

Seven raw, furnished; furnace, large garden, garage. No jhjhlMiwnrijnvwpcnrjnreet. 24-A-US ALTOS REAL ESTATE I BEDROOM HOME-BARGAIN A lovely home In an established location; only years old, and In perfect condition: basem*nt garage and tool shop; fenced. Price $2850. Terma PROP8T SPINKS REALTY GO.

28-EXCHANGES REAL ESTATE MT. VIEW FOR PALO ALTO 7 50-ft Iota new district 1 block from main street. Will trade for house In Palo Alto or vicinity. HARE; BREWER A CLARK. INC.

539 Ramona St Realtors rh. 4124 FIVE ROOM STUCCO HOME ea oorner near Community Center. Will take lot ae down payment PENINSULA HOMES, INC. 156 University Pb. 5151 6-RM.

HOME, lge. garage, workshop; chicken haa, well, fruit Want I or 4-rm. homa R. C. to P.

A. At-hinaon. Middlefieid Rd. at 5th Ave. 27-BUSINESS SERVICES OFFERED Bandars and HOBART CHENOWITH Licensed Coo tractor Special tains la 'remodeling and repairing faomea storra offices and eerarcPbnnlJtaia Ftarnltara Moving BUT A SAFETY TESTED USED CAR GOOD TIRES SAFE BRAKES DEPENDABLE ELECTRIC SYSTEM SURE STEERING TUNED UP ENGINE GEORGE 8.

PADDLE INC. Cedilleo La Salle Olds mobile 756 Emerson (bet. Forest Homer) Open Bundayi and Evenings Phona P. A. 6606 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT SHAW HOTOR CO LTD.


1936 Chav. Cpa. $595.00 1615 Ford Da Luxe 565.60 1634 Ford Da Luxs Bed. 476.00 1662 Dodgs Panel 265.60 RAY ATWATER'S PENINSULA CHEVROLET CO. Used Car Dept.

741 Alma Ph. 6136 Yon own It to YOURSELF to drive the new HUDSON or HUDSON TERRA PLANK before you buy any ear. The safest ears on the road. Phona 6134 for demonstration. PALO ALTO GARAGE 446 Emerson off University Ara.

Repaira on all makes of can. AUTHORITIES estimate that 16 of automobile, repaira la caused by IMPROPER LUBRICATION. Let our expert ALEMITE your ear; aama price ae a grease job." You will ba surprised at tha difference. PALO ALTO GARAGE 445 Emerson, off University Ava 15 CHRYSLER Coupe with radio; juat Ilka new. Big saving.

ASSOCIATED OIL STATION Cor. Oak Grove and Highway. Mania PLYMOUTH lilt P. D. Da Luxe 4-door sedan.

Price to sell by owner. Ph. P. A 12750. THE NEW WILLY, surprise ear of 1617.

coming to Palo Alto boos For Information phone P. A. 117 IL 1616 BUICK Series Forty Bualnaee Coups IMA Cream color, leather upholstery. Call Howard Roberts Ph. 6351.

AKL house, Stanford. CHEVROLET 1136 Town Sodas trunk, radla Owner must nelL flora antes tax. Ph. Rodwood 1726-W. 21 -LOANS HOME LOANS AT 5 to 1 I to 20 ym.

small monthly payments. Construction Ioann made. Prudential Insurance Ca funds. M. a Baugh, Phona $115 Bm.

A Bank of America Bldg. SIX PER CENT FLAT FIRST I YEARS. Long term. Any amt. over $1560 on property la Palo Alts Atherton.


PH. 7763 21-A LOANS WANTED $5,000 FLAT first mortgage. Info ms property. Box 19, Pate Alto Times. 23 REAL estate wanted WILL PAY $1519 to $3509 cash for email home In lalo Alto or vicinity.

Box 73. I. A. Times. 4-REAL ESTATE FOR RALE NO BETTER BUY 2 story Colonial, 9 rma: bedrma and bath.

Modern, close to Community Center end schools. Price $4,350. MAYFIELD DISTRICT 3 story Colonial home of 6 rma; 4 bedrimi. Lot 50x143.5 together with adjoining lot id aama else. Small down payment.

Price $3,506. HIWAY BARRON PARK 1-rm. cottage; 3-car garage. Lot 50x130 to 30 ft alley. Fronts on Illway.

Price $1060; HARE, BREWER A CLARK. INC. 519 Ramona St. Realtors Phone 4124 INCOME PROPERTIES Apt 9 apta; 4 3'e and I 4'a in good rental auction and future bus. prop.

Price $13, 506.06. 1-rm. 2-etnry haa and 1 4-rm. Hiiuate on big lot, near schools Price reduced to $4,500.60. Clone hi: 3 bee's.

1 6-rm. and 1 i-rm. prop, teased, price $8,504.06, H. HELM 155 Unlvenlty Phone 5651 WHY PAY RENT when you can move right Into this completely furnished modern stucco bungalow. 2 bedrooms, breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood floors, nicaly landscaped lot 50x150, fruit treea.

Near an schools and Community Center. Splendid value at $4,506. Lot 60x110, South Pate Alta $166; Act quickly. WM. CRANSTON, INC.

331 Unlvenlty Ava P. A. 1111 OWNER NEEDS HONEY Duplex; like new; redecorated, new drapes; wall furnished; wall bed In living room; beamed celling; fire-pines floor furnace; dining room with corner cupboards; General Electric refrigeration; large bedroom; tile bath; Spanish architecture; 2 -car garage. IT ice less than coat of reproduction. Pays over 12 gross on 67700.

CORNISH A CAREY 151 University Ava F. A. 1176 WELL LOCATED 5-room bungalow with I bedrooms and bath, nicely arranged. Hardwood flams concrete basem*nt with gaa furnace, double gangs front and baek yard beautifully landscaped and with several fruit trees Close in. a real lmy for a home or for income.

$4506.60. CORNISH A CARET 151 University Ava Ph. 5176 JUST COMPLETED 2 story English home, rooms and den, I bedrooms, 3 baths; studio living room with balcony, planked floors, Insulated walls, forced air turns ca Indirect lighting, bricked terrace off living room. Price 13,506 Include! lawn, shrubs and sprinkling system. PENINSULA HOMES, INC.

15 Unlvenlty Ava Ph. 1161 OWXKR LEAVING In Crescent Park, Dutch Colonial; 3 bedrooms, 2 tiled bathe: maid's quartan, terrace and eun room off living room. Enclosed rear garden. Ph. P.

A. SUL RABBITS New Eealaad white, breeding does, all young a lock, also hutches. Phona San Carlos 417. YOUNG GEESE; ducks, rabbits and fricassee hens, dressed. Free de- llvery.

534 Walnut Ht. Ph. 5334. 17-PETS SEE US for Birds and luppUaa. Visitors welcome.

BIRD HOUSE IM Boyce, bet Vito 6 Senses Ph. T146 FOR SALE CHEAP Mala and tomato ca: Ph. Red, IS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KEROSENE DELIVERED I Gals. fr 5e APEX SERVICE Ha 1 Live Oak and Highway, Menlo Perk. Dial 5761 No.

2. Bayshora and Oootoy. Dial I76SL EAT OLIVES Tha Green Truck will be puked near tha Intersection at Unlvenlty Ave. and Bayshora Highway, Si unlay and Sunday, Nov. 25 th a 21th.

Get yours. NEW gaa circulating heatarw used heating stores, cook stoves, coal ate. Stickler oak rooking new, $L25 each, fc Channliig. Ph. chain; Zovin'a, 21512.

OLD PAPERS FOR SALE At Palo Alto Times Office Hoped la Bundles of Approximately 41 I be. Fries 35c per Bundle. No Delivery. STIR COATS, Jackets, Foxes, Collars. Factory samples.

Huge stock! Furs remodeled. DOW'S Wholesale, "House of 1006 Fur 133 Kearny, San Francisco. MANURE AND LEAF MOLD Mushroom Manure; No Weeds. II yd. PALO ALTO FERTILIZER Walnut St Ph.

P. A. 1573 I-FT. OAK and Eucalyptus fireplace, SL P. MoCtonahaa, Pb.

3174L Waverley. AFFIXES, sweat cider, also high gmda vinegar. Fred Fenton, Mores Ava, Sunnyvale. Tom off Alvlao Rd. at Hone; Sunnyvalo 43-W.


Los Altoa 411 or P. Q. Box 415, Los WOOD Dry Oak and Hadrons; t-ft logs, $14.50 cord. Also ether length! and atom wood. Ph.

Fate Alto 26117. Underwear, Sleeping German ta Wool or Silk Haalsry, Wool Glnvee, Bath Robes. KNIGHT'S, 43s Unlv. Ara. WEB SIX five-burner, 330-volt heater.

Reasonable. 751 MriviDa HOUSE PAINT $L15 per gaL WALLPAPER 10c, lie per roll Unfinished Furniture. Engdahl Faint 417 Unlv. Ava Ph. 21146.

SAVE Whshlng machines, need ea demonstrators. Call Hartman P. A. I21L ELECTRIC INCUBATOR, cleaner, comet twin beds, auto spotlight. Harris, Park Lana Atherton.

P. A. (261. NICE young fat hens for your Thanksgiving dinner. 35c dressed.

W. H. Wright, 16 Oak Court. N. Palo Alto.

Ph. 6474. 2 BEAUTIFUL wicker doll buggies, large else. Phona Palo Alto 4457. GAS CIRCULATING HEATER, largo niie.

very reasonable. Ph, P. A. 5905. GENUINE NAVAJO INDIAN RUGS Primitive, entirely handmade, all wool, Indian Art plecea Best money can buy.

Dial 4449. TOTH AND GIFTS for Chrlatnuu and Toy Stack made to order. Mies Boggs. 130 WohKtcr Bt. Pb, 31969.

19 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HOSE Paya highest prices tor better grade used clothes, shoes, ate. 520 High. Ph. 4912. Stanford College Qotbea Shop.

WB WANT USED FURNITURE Highest CASH PRICES paid BARGAIN ANNEX Hamilton at Emerson Phona 4102 WANTED Used chesterfield set good condition. Priced right Ph. V. A. 3534.

(0-AUTOMOBILES BUY A PROTECTED USED CAR FROM THE CAMPUS GARAGE HERE IS THE FINEST SELECTION IN PALO ALTO 1936 Ds Soto AIRFLOW Coupe. $1145 1936 Ford Da Luxe Bus. Coupe, guaranteed to have been driven toss than 1000 mllea 1914 Chrysler nix Sedan beautiful car, with radio 645 1915 Chevrolet Mailer Rumble Heat Coupe 515 1935 Plymouth Da Luxe Business Coupe $5 1933 Chryater Royal I 6-wheel Sedan 59a 1933 Plymouth p. D. Sedan 456 1933 Dodge BusineaM Coups tr4 1933 Hupmobito 5 Coupe 450 1933 Ford 3-door Sedan 595 1933 Plymouth P.

B. Sedan 175 1931 Chevrolet Coach 150 1933 Chevrolet Sedan 150 1933 Chevrolet Panel 395 1939 Plymouth Sedan 175 1530 Chryater 66 Roadster 195 193o Graham Paige Coach 145 1930 Dodge Taxi 135 1935 Nash Cabriolet 123 1929 Chevrolet lH-ton flat rack truck as Is" 130 1935 Ford Roadster "as is 55 1927 Earn Sedan 45 Every Car Sheltered In Our Used Car Store A crone from 8. P. Depot CAHPUS GARAGE 435 Alma Phona 13151 1911 FORD COUPE, good economical tranruortatloo $130.00 1139 CHEV. COUPE, new dura, motor completely overhauled 115.99 1936 FORD 8PORT COUPE, respect.

excellent la every A buy 1636 CHEV. COAC1 A bi car ahowa excellent 335.60 1631 FORD CONVERTIBLE COUPE, a real value in a sport car 225.60 1631 FORD VICTORIA, reconditioned motor, new 265.06 A NUMBER OF GOOD VALUES FRICED FROM $40.00 TO AAA CARDINAL GARAGE AAA A BEAL BUY 1631 Packard Sedas S-paaaeager, fender wells with metal flra coven, I good tires mechanically exeel-lent. paint good, upholstery vary clean. A rral buy at $351. SHAW MOTOR CO, Ltd.

P. A. 5111 '35 PLYMOUTH Tr. Da Luxs Sod. A real buy.

35 CHEV. Master Da Luxe I-door Medan: radio: like ASSOCIATED OIL STATION ICofc Oak Grove and Hiehwev. Menlo. 1-ROOM APARTMENT Including utilities: furnished except bedding and diahe SM California Ava. NICELY FURNISHED 3-room apartment Continuous hot water.

Adults. 177 Tam Key at 11 Tine. 10-HOUSES FOR RENT UNFURNISHED $35.00 4-rm. mod. firapL.

ht wtr gaa furo, completely reno- nowg redecorated. $40.164 raw, modern, lovely furai- bedim ntrWJy modem home. E. H. HE 15S University Pbeno SIS1 FURNISHED $30 1-Km.

Cottage; pood tocatjo MS 6-Rm. A break, nook; duplex. MO 7-Rm. House; does In. UNFURNISHED $20 5-Km.

A nun porch: bungalow. 140 4-Rm. Houoe; clow to High School. $65 5-Rm. House, new; dose in.

THE UNIVERSITY REALTY CO. 406 University Ave. P. A. 4161 140 UN URN.

7 -ran. Englleh home, gas 3 bathe, dbL gar. $4u Unfurn. i-rm. stucco, hardwd.

fir. funk, auto, water heater, AbL fare $7S Fura. 4 bedrnuL, I baths, elow- PALO ALTO $34 Weverley Phone 3174 DE8IRABLR 6-room bungalow type horns in Palo Alto; I bedrma and bath on 1st floor, bedrma and bath on lad floor. Large modem gaa furnace piped to each roopi; 3-car garaga $66 Pr month, unfurnished. HOME FINDING SERVICE ITT University Ava Ph.

PURNISHED $34-2 Rm. Nioa location. $40 Rm. 2 garden cottages $40 Bm. Close In.

UNFURNISHED $104 Rm. 3 bedrooms $40 Rm. Redecorated. $454 Rm. Large grounds THE UNIVERSITY REALTY CO.

406 University Ava P. A. 4U1 UNFURNISHED 5-mom new home $54.04 5 rooms does In 40.00 FURNISHED I noma 1 bedroom $25.06 4 moms 2 bedrooms X7.M 5 rooms 1 bedrooms electric refrigerator, furnace 65.66 VANDKRVUOBT 214 Unlvenlty Ave. Phone 11151 $37.563 rms, near Uplv. Ava 635.004 rms, furnished.

$35.604 partly furnished. 635.005 ns, 3 whlckens $45.004 rms and laundry. $47.504 near Com. Center. $54.004 rms, now, tile roof.

$75.004 rms, furnished. K1ZER, ll Barron Ava Pb. TSI7 $105 ROOMS unfurnished, newly renovated, close in. $405 rooms unfurnished, good for commuters $50 Beautiful apartment, 5 moms furnished. CORNISH A CAREY Ul Unlvenlty $176 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED modem 5-room house, near schools and Community Center.

Electric refrigeration. $50.00. New modern 5-room unfurnished home in South Palo Alts $47.50. VANDERVOORT 214 Unlvenlty Ave. Phona 31151 $30 Unfurn.

3-rm. apt. and gar. $45 Furn. S-rm.

rustic, 3 nice grds. fruit, country. $100 Beautifully furnished 5-room mod. hom*o in excellent location, near schools 3-cer gar. Lease.

CURRIER REALTY COMPANY 3335 Highway Phona P. A. 1111 5 rinse In, S40L 5 rms. 3 bedrma, $43. 5 rma, 3 liedrms, breakfeat room, central gaa furnace, all hrdwd.

firs, double nice grds, nr. schools and Community Center, $65. WILLIAM CRANSTON, INC. 325 Unlvenlty Ph. 1111 COMPLETE RENTAL SERVICE Furnished and unfurnished homes Bwt available; ask ua to shew them.

Wa charge you nothing, save you time. K. H. Bowera HomaFlndlnr Service 177 Unlv. A vs Ph.

32115 $30 5-ROOM HOUSE, unfurnished. Inquire at Oregon Avs FURNISHED aunny 5-room house, gas furnace, 3-ear gangs Restricted reeidential dietricL Ph. 11543. 3-ROOM furnished cottage; screen porches; garage. May belle lie miles south of Mayfield.

Ph. P. A. 5051. FURNISHED 7-room house, I bedrooms Close is 545 a month.

Available by Das Call P. A. 6961. TWO-ROOM COTTAGE, quiet, sunshine, 1930 Bryant: $15.56 Including hat water and garage. Vacant Dec.

let Call afternoons AIJ. STANFORD 3-rm. furs garden cotuge, 622.50. 4-rm. furn.

930. Menlo Park Realty, 10S5 Doyle St Ph. 31632. $30.60 3-ROOM Furnished Cabin, attaehed. No agenL Call 1126 Brehster St.

3 5-ROOM new bungalows nil modern conveniences. Double garagee. Inquire 554 Almond Ht. Ph. 32410.

$3J-FURN. 3-rm. cottars May-field; for couple. $40 1 or I beans bungalow, rloee In. P.

A. O. Wllef. 153 I'nlv. 5511.

1 -FURNITURE D. THOMAS 137 Hamilton P. A. 21914 Mohair Chesterfield, used $17.50 Mahonny Dreaser 10.00 Walnut Buffat 20.00 Mahogany Console Table 6.60 WANTED Used Studio Couch, desk, easy chain and odd pieces to furnish living rm. Private party.

Bx 71. P. A. Times. 11-MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BXAU, SIZE, plain eats genuine upright piano, recently rs-huilt throughout.

Marked to eell at Ms he offer. Terms to Furnlrall's 135 Mats Ph. Redwood 37. Plans Tuning sad Repairing PHONE P. A.

1234 BCHOMBERG fc SON Eatabllahed 1916 Ehop 116 Everett OK. 136 Hewthnma 1 8 -LIVESTOCK WE PAT HIGHEST PRICES FOR DEAD STOCK REMOVED BY US. HWhaat prime paid tor lira. stock ajl w. $1.49 per 116 pounds grid far lira horses and $L66 par 1M pounda for live oowe delivered to ournjant Phono calls collect.

SAJTJOSR tallow cc tSO. If no answer, Bel. 3714-R. WB PAY BEST PRICES FOR DEAD STOCK REMOVED BY UK BEST PR PAID FOR LIVESTOCK WE CALL FOR. Wa pay $L40 par 194 pounds for lira horaw and $L40 perl94 pounds for lira oowe da-Ilrand our plant Ph.

eoilect, BaL 644 If no answer Santa Clam 143. CROWN BY-PRODUCTSCO, Ban Jose. Calif. 16 POULTRY AND RABBITS YOUNG BRONZE TURKEYS Corn and Milk Fed At Ranch or Delivered Ul llttfc Mfi dOHtdi AiAlSHL telephone 5155 ISSfffi Offlaa 1 IOW AND FOUHP VALUABLE PAPERS and money "teat In City Ball Park hit nlsht. Pindar keep money.

Return papera to Timea office or 23 Everett. Lost Brown Brlndla Boa ton bull female doe wearing collar; Uca Met 664, Cblld'a pet. Ph. 419L Bwanl. Z-A-BUSINCSS OPPORTUNITIES WELL ESTABLISHED Palo Alto buaineee wiabes additional capital to expand.

Owner local man. Know. now la time ta act. Won-derfnl opportunity for man of tore-aicht. Ban of executive ability or ailent, eoneldered.

tor Interview write at once Bos 66, Palo Alto Timee. MONET AVAILABLE for active interact In local builneee. In re-plylne atnta nature of buiineaa and amount of capital requited. Bos Ti. Palo Alto Timee.

-BUSINESS PERSONALS -Beauty Can Be Economical at tba MARLEEN BEAUTY SALON Ml Hamilton Ava P. A. TIM SUPERFLUOUS BAIB ed by the Mectrlo Needle, ab aduuly permanent. Gertruda AI-lender, Ul Emaraea P. A.

MU SUNNY SIDE Bra. Bowarda Bobm tor CbUdrea Parmanant or Day Cara 4M Palo Alto A vo. SMI LILLIAN GHENT STEWART Daaisnins-Dreeemakina-Rcmodellns 1 UNIVERSITY rooms Pi-m p. a. snw 1-HELP WANTED IMPORTANT In anewarlna advor.

the manta aavar analaaa art final raf-araaoaa. but aand aaaiaa of aama whan they ara raquaatod. East Palo Alto or M. P. A.

boy ba-t -tween aeaa of 14 and It to carry Palo Alto Timea bicycle route. See Ur. War, Timea Office, before Wednaartey. PENINSULA PLACEMENT AGCY. Employment of all Mads.

UJ Unlvaralty Ave. Phone Mlllf lo Alto GIRL WANTED to can for child and Debt bouse Work: maat have rafaroncca Room, board and aal-ary. Ph. 7225. WANTED Woman or eiii under 40, eanaral houacwork, main cooking.

No laundry. Sleep in or out Ph. P. A. 22417.

LIGHT COOKING and houaawnrk for Invalid lady by day. Telephone Bra. Severance. 31765. 2-A SALESPEOPLE WANTED STWO MEN to complete crew.

Small deal. Good commission. Practical Christmas sift. Dwight Hollister, CSS Hamilton Ava. Phona 5346 4-WORK WANTED ZOUNO HAN, need to IS.

for (en-arel office work. Experience In acconntine helpful but not nerea-aary. Must be able to type. Good opportunity for right person. Apply in own handwritini to P.

(X Box ISO, Redwood City. OFFICE Graduate nurse with knowledge of typing and bookkeep Inf, drelres position In doctor'o office. Experienced. Small salary. Phone P.

A. 2324. PAPERHANGING, sxparlaocad mechanic. 14.00 par room am Have all equipment. Phillip P.

21110. LADY WANTS laundry work: will call tor and deliver. Beat of ref-areaeea. Beautiful work. Prieoa reaaorabl Ph.

P. A. COOKING, serving, cleaning, laundry wanted by hour. Colored woman. Beet references.

P. A. 4S1. 8 WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSES MS-MS. hi or near Palo Alto.

Small place for chickens, ISA long lease. Listing! wanted. K1ZER, il Barron Ph. TW. 7-ROOMS FOR RENT RUNNY attractive, newly furnished room far business woman or girt.

Sewhjt washing privileges, shower. Ph. IV A. MW or ar 8 ROOMS AND BOARD HEDGEOATE hom*o away from Home Exosl lent Dining Ream, open to public. Restful Rooms or Sultan Prl-vato Dining Boom, Special Luncheons, Teas or Dinners far Appoint PLEASANT DOUBLE ROOM with aiaala.

241 Hamilton Ava. 9 APARTMENTS for rent BEE THIS new modem studio apt. 4 largo rooms, private patio; cloaa in. 615 Byron Street. Fries 7M0 par month.

Phono (141 or 724. 132 4-ROOH furnished apartment, dean, sunny, does- In. PL 4ZIA $12 TO MS Small apt, cloaa In, without private bathe. I to 4 rm and garage. In 2 different houses.

Apply 730 Cowper nr. Forest. SHALL, CABIN. suitable for Ml man. Apply (M Gilman St between Post Office and Library.

ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED 6-room flat 2 bedrma, chesterfield ret bdwd. Frlgiilaire. gas (UGL.SVM4i iSl finale 5 I nd the four men prepared to de- NARUA CARVIRLIA illfhtpff i M1)i ba MifftviM 4hdi f1snhnna wttithr Philip mnEuii cuwing xne teiepnone kiwi th mi MlKhNvfeMA ta wittlg Th. Itatoa wh they arrived, KKKDRUK. whaae eagagramat were gltilflcd, lint, that the four men were the Dog Wagon robbem, aaa la Keadrlek'a faada hae been Ud, lOCOnd, that the four had the amiatance of three outside men, a fact ginpected in that former robbery but not verified.

a a TITAROA CANFIELD and Helen Waddell had pasted the afternoon in non direct, if tecs social, endeavor for the welfare organization. They had accompanied the nurse on her rounds, and by occupying themselves with the new babies and other trouble! "bf the towni tea affluent citizens saved the tawdry they wore and the money they carried. After dinner they discussed the idea of going to the movie It suite me," said Marcia I haven't seen a movie in weeks, and tomorrow night there's rehearsal again. Lett there goes the phona" It was Joan Bradford, wife of Mike. Mr.

Bradford, She said, had brought an old friend from the west out to dinner, and wouldn't Marcia and Helen do her a great favor and drop in for a while to help entertain him? "After all, why Shouldnt we?" said Helen as they drove toward the Bradford house. "She'd do as much for ua if we wen stuck." Joan admitted them, and they paused in the hall to remove their COStte "This is getting to be a said a voice from tha living room. You! said Marcia. still am not trailing Bruce McDougaU told Marcia ai he crossed the room toward them. "I cant claim that good management does it ITn Just one of those lucky people you read about You may as well give in.

"And you both may as well bring our puzzled laces back to their calm and unstrained normalcy, Mike contributed. "Where did you two meet before or Ja this a gag?" aat' TT wu not a gag, they told him. And they told the rat of their story. Joan and Helen found some delightful quality to the coincidence which was a mystery to Mike. "Are you visiting for Marcia asked McDougalL "Excuse me if tha first few observations are the usual inanities." Im not visiting," ba said.

"I am a candidate for permanent residence. Do you remember. In the coffee shop of the hotel in Chicago, when the bellboy paged me? That waa a can from New York. I had sent in an application fcs 9 Mb nd to fixes ttfi bold NOW GO ON WITH TUB STORY CHAPTER XH QN the following day there took place another holdup, remark-nble not alone for tha amount of loot involved, but because of its wholesale character and because it was committed by the same four men who had robbed the Dog Wagon aid its customen, and who were generally credited with having been tha authors of several previous robberies as well. Mrs.

Harold Henderson, sister-in-law of the woman who was dip recting "Half-Acre in Eden" for the Stagecraft Guild, waa giving benefit bridge party at her homa Approximately a hundred women of Bobba Neck had gathered for canto, tea and cakes and tha promotion of the Village Welfare Society budget Conversation had reached that crescendo which Indicates that a benefit bridge la at the zenith when the four men entered the home without benefit of the doorbell, and, taking advantageous positions in the doorways between living room, dining room and sun porch, announced that this waa a stick-up." Tha husband of Mra Henderson's maid, aoisting fra the afternoon, had just gone to the back porch to bring in the. inevitable ice cream. He was thus permitted the privilege of viewing a hitherto unseen member of the bandit gang, a young man who lounging at the aide of tha house and who; at sight of the Negro, commanded him profanely to get back in the house, emphasizing the order with tt pistol, quickly revealed and quickly shoved back Into the pocket of his overcoat In tha housa tha stripping of valuable property wu accom- sliited wiitiia i xsz ta mama in Chicago an address because I had to be there during the time I could reasonably expect an an-er. The call wu to tell me tha job wu mine. So here I am.

Thats grand," said Marcia "What what business are you in? McDougaU looked pained. "Dont you remember my giving you a sample?" Oh, an artist? I'm sorry I though that wu a hobby, I guess. I really did like the sketch you gave me. "It may look like a hobby, lady, but it's brad and butter, and sometimes meat and dessert to me. "Where are you going to work? In New York, I thought, but perhaps Bobba Neck, if all the merits of the town are genuine the Bradfords paint them." "I mean fra what magazine, or whatever? a a SYNDICATE.

They peddle A my stuff to the newspapers, draw a daily future called Scenes from I did some- thing like it out west for one pa- per. It was wo good that a great public clamor arose for wider circulation. held bade, modestly, but the call became too great. I wu persuaded, and here I am "Do they have studio to rent in Bobba Neck? mean studios, not real estate development stuff." "I rant think of any offhand," said Marcia "You may be faced with the necessity of tearing out the north wall of a house and putting in your own studio window. "Not this house, he cant," interrupted Mike.

When do you start to work, Bruce? asked Joan. "Not until next week. "Then there's no sense In your going bade to your hotel in the city tonight You can Just stay here for a 'day or so; Mike hasn't seen you in ages, and I'm so proud A of the guest room, besides. "Let the poor guy go back to town," advised Mika "I wont get to see much of him out here. I'll be working all day, and tomorrow night too, probably.

What would he do, moping around here? "Joan could bring him to tomorrow night's rehearsal, suggested Helen. "As long as he's going to settle down in the village, he may as well know us at our worst" It was pleasant thought Marcia, to see him again this young who wu half assured, half naive; and a bit embarrassed at mnmut-Well-;" ha said, "I rally ought not" "Do stay!" urged Marcia "But I guess will;" said Me-Dougall. CmUbhcU, a FURNITURE A PIANO MOVING Local and Long Distance. S. J.

LYON TRANSFER CO. MX Addiaoa Ava, Palo Alto, Cam. EMM UN GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY with 7-room house on California Avenue. jlUA S. PLACE ua bmma ana.

The Peninsula Times Tribune from Palo Alto, California (2024)


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.