Sunaikinti's Blessed (2024)

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  • Khei
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So, you want to become a boss raid Oni?

- Derk_Mage


  • 1 Description
  • 2 How to Obtain
  • 3 Abilities
    • 3.1 Actives
    • 3.2 Passives
  • 4 Strengths
  • 5 Weaknesses
  • 6 Class Traits
  • 7 Good Races to Go
  • 8 Notes
  • 10 Trivia


Sunaikinti's Blessed, also known simply as "Uber Oni" is an Uber class that deals very high amounts of damage through combos. It is notorious for its ability to take on multiple enemies alone.

How to Obtain[]

  • Be an Oni and go to Khei
  • Sunaikinti's Blessed is a neutral class. You do not need any levels of purity or corruption to obtain it.
  • Find and talk to Big Hoss.
  • Defeat his shadow, an enemy NPC who is a maxed Uber Oni.
  • After defeating the Big Hoss's Shadow, you are eligible to learn your Skills. Note that you do not become an uber class until you learn your first skill.
  • 500 Valu and 20 Insight per skill. (2000 Valu, 80 Insight for max. Takes around 40 bound books, 20 for the insight and 20 for the valu. Only works if you sell the lore books)


Oni Stats
Combat Mobility
Running Away
Difficulty Using
Quest Diff


  • Consuming Flames - Let out a scream which provides buffs scaling with enemies within a 50-60 studs range.
    • If a player is within range, the aura appears and the buffs will be applied, as well as combat tagging both the user and players in range. The aura size and stat buffs scales off the amount of players within range, from 1-3 players with 1.1x, 1.2x and 1.3x (needs testing) damage & health correspondingly.
    • Consuming flames will also give you healing by executing downed players or dristinis/shriekers with Axe Kick, and this healing also scales off with players in range, ranging from 15%, 30% and 45%.
    • The damage buff does not apply to Augimas m1 & m2, Rampage, Misogi or spells, but does apply to everything else.

Sunaikinti's Blessed (1)Sunaikinti's Blessed (2)

  • Rampage - Assume an offensive stance, and after a second, glide forwards at an incredibly fast speed. Upon contact with an enemy, unleash a barrage of punches upon them, dealing roughly 70 damage, with black flame's damage over time.

Sunaikinti's Blessed (3)

  • Augimas - Has two variations.
    • Augimas M1: Charge a black ball of flame in your palms. When released, the fireball is shot forwards at an incredibly fast speed that explodes on contact and applies black flames. Knocks back and ragdolls only if charged beyond second sound clue.
    • Augimas M2: Instantly fire three smaller fireballs which deal the amount of damage as the fully-charged M1. Breaks block.
      • Does not explode and applies stun.
    • Counts as a spell and a mana shield will be made with the tool equipped.

Sunaikinti's Blessed (4)Sunaikinti's Blessed (5)


  • Misogi & Axe Kick M2 - Misogi is able to be used on-command, teleporting above and damaging the closest target. You also learn the second ability of Axe Kick—a sliding kick that trips and knocks enemies into the air.
    • Misogi is able to hit ragdolled enemies.

Sunaikinti's Blessed (6)Sunaikinti's Blessed (7)


  • Mix-Up God: Sunaikinti's Blessed has the highest mix-up potential out of any class in Khei making them harder to approach and/or avoid.
  • Heavy Damage: Sunaikinti's Blessed possesses very high damage potential with most of its moves with all of them synergizing with each other very well.
  • Mage Counter: Black Flames proc on every attack and disable mana and they are also geared with a ton of approaches to Mages being able to Misogi them out of the sky and rush them down with Augimas.
  • I-Frame Spam: With Khei having a ton of classes that can one combo, I-Frames have a lot more value and Sunaikinti's Blessed has easy access to it allowing them to dodge a ton of damage/combos with ease.
  • Bossraid Oni: Debatably the best class for taking on houses solo, with its easy access to damage and I-Frames it can be extremely hard to kill. Especially since Consuming Flames buffs scales off of how many enemies are nearby.


  • Mage Adaptation: Despite possessing very heavy counters to mages, their approaches are very adaptable with the two most popular counter options to Mages being Auto Misogi and Augimas being able to be blocked and dodged
  • Lack of Mobility: Suffering from the same issue with Oni, Sunaikinti's Blessed does not fare well against mobility as Auto Misogi is extremely punishable if blocked. Augimas is also close-range reliant and if used at a far range can be easily dodged.
  • Extremely High Skill Ceiling: Despite being fairly easy to pick up its initial combos. Sunaikinti's Blessed's Mix-Up potential is VERY reliant on your ability to efficiently execute your moves and combos as much as possible.
  • Heavily Punishable: Heavy Hitters like Pilgrim Knight and Duelist can easily punish a Sunaikintis Blessed fluking. This downside becomes even more apparent in 1v1s as you will take way more damage when punished.

Class Traits[]

  • Sunaikinti's Style - Attacks will deal black flames, preventing mana charge.
    • Does not apply to mana punches
  • Improved Demon Step - You can now use Demon Step's iframes to cancel fall damage

Good Races to Go[]

Godstruck - You gain more HP, and less time progressing in Gaia (due to having soul rip as a Dinakeri). This removes the main issue of being squishy, due to Regalia (Regalia saves lives)

Kasparan - Slash resistance can save you against a Sword/Spear/Dagger class, and working a spammable ignis into your combos is always a good idea.

Navaran - You can now emulate Vhiunese Monk moves, making your combos even more op.

Raullan/Fischeran - You get dodges and a free hiding spot/enemy tracker, making you not only a beast at finding/sneak attacking opponents, but defeating them as well, as they won't be able to hit you due to dodges.

Ilyrian - Basically, any and all things that would instantly execute you do not work, and you're basically a buffed version of the Ashiins.


  • A fully charged Augimas M1 will not warrant a cooldown if it completely misses. You can only have one Augimas out at a time, though.
  • Big Hoss will simply call you "ugly" if you do not have the beads on you.
  • Pilgrim knights can decimate your low hp bar if your not careful as the stun from pasmarkinti for thunder charged blow can mess up you trying to demon step out of the combo.
  • Dodging Rampage is vital for winning in a fight against a Sunaikinti's Blessed. Getting hit by it will tear off a huge chunk of health from you.
  • Do not Misogi a Raullan with Swiftfoot active. It is incredibly easy for them to punish you with a combo.
  • In the event that someone tries to kill you while you're fighting the Shadow, bait them into hitting it. Big Hoss instantly kills them for you.
  • It is well known for being a good bossraid class, and for good reason. Exceptionally skilled Uber Oni players can dominate an entire army of uber classes alone.
  • One counter to Rampage is to start bunny hopping. You can tell when a Sunaikinti's Blessed is going to use this by their stance along with no movement and invincibility frames.
  • Stay away from Abyss Dancers. They will most likely one-combo you. (This is a lie, a good Oni with a good build for example Gaian Oni or Metalscroom Oni can kill abyss dancers with no issue whatsoever.)
  • Tutorial on how to beat Big Hoss's shadow:
    • Tips can be found on the relevant page.
    • Big Hoss has been buffed over time, he still has pretty much the same health and the strategy used in most tutorials still works but be extra careful because he does more damage now.
    • He will usually start the fight with either auto misogi or rampage so at the beginning of the fight spam demon step away.
    • Do not use demon flip m2, you need the iframes from the m1 and he cant block so the block break is useless
    • Don't bother using axe kick, spin kick, or leg breaker. Wait for him to use augimas then demon flip m1, rising dragon, and misogi.
  • When an Uber Oni uses Rampage, their eyes flash red for a moment.
    • This also applies to demon step.
  • You can block Misogi unless it stems from Rising Dragon. The visual cue for a raw Misogi is the arm movement of the Uber Oni, along with your screen being tinted gray. This is vital for mages and Dragon Riders, as a Misogi hitting you mid-flight could spell your demise.
  • You can freestyle your combos a lot more than ultra Oni, given that you have a lot more actives. However, if anyone knows some particularly powerful combos then feel free to add them under a new heading. Thanks in advance!
  • You partially can't use cestus as an Uber Oni - if you buy them you will keep them until you respawn in any way.
  • Probably the only uber that counters every other uber in Khei.
  • Unless a Gaian or any other race that alters HP, Uber Oni has 243 health with helmet on, and *roughly* 315 HP with max potency Consuming Flames on.
    • It's reccommended to use a Gaian or a Godstruck for extra health, which would basically make you a beast.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • Alike blocking and using Rising Dragon at the same time, you are able to use any move within 3-5 frames of using Misogi (Rising Dragon M2 variation), which allows you to stack it with stuff like Demon Flip M1 (M2 doesn't do anything), Augimas M2 or practically anything, except Rising Dragon (and viceversa) or Augimas M1. Make sure to use misogi first, as this is rather hard to pull off and needs to be practiced for better consistency. This also works with Rising Dragon, which allows you to use even Demon Flip M1 while in it, but doesn't work with M2, Augimas M1 & M2 (cancels it)
  • Ashiin is INSANE with Uber Oni, as well-timed shoulder throws lets you basically always land it off any ragdoll, which is also great if paired with Rising Dragon or Rampage
  • Avoid using random Misogis, as even remotely experienced people can block them easily. Instead, try to abuse wake-up hyperarmor for unexpected Misogis, or practice aggressive Axe Kick M2s paired with it.
  • Using Rampage instantly removes any current iframes (both Dflip M1, Dstep and Dstep's fall damage immunity), and puts them in a sort of cooldown after like 1-2 seconds of use. Do not snap ignis dstep after Rampage, the snap ignis will hit you.
  • If possible, bringing Shrieker Summon spell gives you an alternative for healing, as axe kicking both downed shriekers while Consuming Flames buff is active, will heal you immensely, roughly ranging from 30%, 60% or 90% corresponding with buff potency. This is most effective in big ganks.


  • Rampage was initially called "Raging Demon", but was changed for unknown reasons (presumably copyright, same thing happened with rising dragon being goshoryu.) “Raging Demon” is the most frequent translation of "Shun Goku Satsu".
  • Sunaikinti's Blessed is the only Uber class which requires Valu.
  • A large part of the class is directly inspired by the lore character Maitintis from Tales from the Valley and his scrolls Dragon Claw and Dragon Breath
  • In Lithuanian, Sunaikinti means destroyed (multiple destroyed things), or to destroy. Augimas means Growth.
Classes | B = Base, S = Super, U = Ultra, UB = Uber
Orderly / Purity

Sunaikinti's Blessed (8)

FistMonk (S),‎ ‎ ‎ Dragon Sage (U), ‎ ‎ Vhiunese Monk (UB)
MageIllusionist (S), ‎ ‎ Master Illusionist (U), ‎ ‎ Judicar of Teisumas (UB), ‎ ‎ Monster Hunter (UB)
DaggerSpy (S), ‎ ‎ Whisperer (U), ‎ ‎ Duelist (UB)
SpearDragon Knight (S), ‎ ‎ Dragon Slayer (U), ‎ ‎ Dragon Rider (UB)
SwordSigil Knight (S), ‎ ‎ Sigil Knight Commander (U), ‎ ‎ Lapidarist (U), ‎ ‎ Vanguard (U), ‎ ‎ Pilgrim Knight (UB)
Sunaikinti's Blessed (9)
FistSunaikinti's Blessed (UB)
MageScholar (B), ‎ ‎ Botanist (S), ‎ ‎ Florist (U), ‎ ‎ Crystal Sage (UB)
DaggerThief (B), ‎ ‎ Cadence (U), ‎ ‎ Virtuoso (UB)
SpearPit Fighter (B), ‎ ‎ Spearfisher (S), ‎ ‎ Atlas (U)
SwordWarrior (B), ‎ ‎ Advanced Smith (S), ‎ ‎ Ashigaru (S), ‎ ‎ Samurai (U)
Chaotic / Corruption

Sunaikinti's Blessed (10)

FistAkuma (S), ‎ ‎ Oni (U)
MageNecromancer (S), ‎ ‎ Master Necromancer (U), ‎ ‎ Worm Prophet (UB)
DaggerAssassin (S), ‎ ‎ Faceless One (U), ‎ ‎ Shinobi (U), ‎ ‎ Friendless One (UB), ‎ ‎ Shura (UB)
SpearChurch Knight (S), ‎ ‎ Deep Knight (U), ‎ ‎ Abomination (UB)
SwordWarlord (S), ‎ ‎ Wraith Knight (U), ‎ ‎ Abyss Walker (U), ‎ ‎ Abyss Dancer (UB), ‎ ‎ Reaper (UB)

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

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Sunaikinti's Blessed (2024)


Who is Sunaikinti? ›

The Leviathan of Heat. Sunaikinti resides within the mantle of the planet and appears as a vast black dragon. It is said that the volcanoes of Khei are the spines on his back.

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Unbound Strength - Big Hoss possesses physical power far greater than any mortal. His race was not ascended upon entrance into Khei; he was simply too strong. Dimension Hopping - He is capable of travelling to Khei without any involvement with Ya'alda or usage of gates.

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In Khei, you are able to get blessings through gaining enough Purity or Corruption. You will gain more blessings the more you progress in your alignment. You cannot choose which blessing you get, however you can reroll your blessing(s) for 250 insight at a shrine in Baima's Well.

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Khei is an alternate plane of reality within the game. The Khei that you enter in Rogue Lineage takes place in The Great Valley and takes place before Arch_Mage's previous game Tales From the Valley before Godfall.

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General Woundwort, Chief Rabbit of Efrafa

However, Efrafa's Chief Rabbit is General Woundwort, a ferocious rabbit who rules Efrafa as an authoritarian dictator.

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During the case, Phoenix learns that the Defiant Dragons' leader, Dhurke Sahdmadhi, is Nahyuta's father and Apollo's foster father.

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The term Hoss may have predated the TV show Bonanza, however when a lot of people hear the word- this guy comes to mind. The character of Hoss Cartwight from Bonanza, he was a big strong dude as well as hard-working friendly and dependable.

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The character of Hoss was conceived as a stereotype: The Gentle Giant. The 6'4", 300 lbs. Blocker filled Hoss's cowboy boots and ten-gallon hat admirably but brought something extra to the role, a warmth and empathy that helped ground the show.

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(Southern US, slang) A big, strong and respected or dependable person, usually a man; one who is large like a horse.

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You can learn sub-classes in Khei by talking to an NPC named Vitomir in The Grand Archive in the library and he will give you any sub-class you want (if you do not have any in the first place).

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Can be gained from the Shrine of Corruption in Baima's Well, which is 20 Insight each. One trade is equal to half a Corruption sacrifice which is worth half of a tier of corruption.

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to start behaving in a way that is not normal or expected, especially by leaving your group and doing something dangerous: A Special Forces unit had gone rogue and was trying to free the hostage.

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Rogue's mutant ability often requires skin-to-skin contact to absorb memories, powers, personality traits, physical talents, and strength. For most of her heroic career, Rogue is unable to control her power, and anyone she touches will almost immediately fall unconscious.

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A common way to farm them is through using Ignis and running around in circles. It is highly recommended to trap them within Baima's Well, because you can Ignis them through the wall. Raullans have a larger margin of error because of Swiftfoot. They can also use Gudriba's Eye to check if any of them have survived.

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Nihonkoku Shoukan (日本国召喚) or Japan Summons, is a collaborative encyclopedia designed to cover everything there is to know about the Japanese light novel, written by Minorou and illustrated by toi8.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.