How to Become a Freelancer: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

How to Become a Freelancer: The Ultimate Guide (1)

By Adrianne Bibby

The reasons to embrace a freelance career are compelling. From supplementing your income to setting your own hours, freelance work is increasingly moving from the fringes of the job marketplace and into the mainstream.

If you’ve considered freelancing, you’re not alone. A recent study found that over one-third of workers (36%) are currently freelancing, an increase of 22% since 2019.

If you’re looking to become a freelancer, we’ve put together this detailed guide to help you get started!

Note:FlexJobs is a subscription service for job seekersthat features flexible and remote jobs. With an A+ rating from theBetter Business Bureau, the monthly subscription costs allow us to fully vet and verify all of thejobs on our site—ensuring that customers have a safe and positive job searching experience.

What Is a Freelancer?

A freelancer is not an employee. The IRS defines an employee as someone who:

  • Is not in charge of deciding when, where, and how they work
  • Does not choose how much they are paid or what their raises or bonuses are
  • Is reimbursed for job-related expenses and receives benefits (like health insurance)

A freelancer, on the other hand, is almost the exact opposite of an employee. Freelancers:

  • Can choose who they want to work for, when they work, and where they work with few exceptions
  • Set their payment rates
  • Do not receive any benefits from whomever they work for

To learn more about what freelancing is all about, read:

  • Freelancing 101: The Different Types of Freelance Jobs
  • What are Freelance Jobs? A Guide to Freelancing
  • Freelancer vs. Employee vs. Contractor: What’s The Difference?

Is Freelancing Right for You?

Though the idea of being your own boss may sound exciting to you, freelancing is not for everyone. It takes more than an entrepreneurial spirit to become a freelancer. Before learning how to start a freelance business, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of freelancing.

The pros include:

  • Choosing who you do and don’t work for (along with when and for how long)
  • Working on only the projects you really want to do
  • Flexibility
  • Exposure (you learn a lot about different industries)

The cons are:

  • You’re responsible for paying all of your taxes
  • No benefits
  • The work isn’t always steady, which can lead to cash-flow issues
  • Isolation (you’re almost always working alone)

This is why it might be best to begin freelancing when you’re still employed at a full-time job. This will allow you to test the waters and get a better understanding of how being a freelancer works.

How do Freelancers Find Work?

Prospective freelancers spend much of their time (at least at first) looking for work. For instance, writers may query various publications with ideas for articles they’d like to write. A freelance web designer might contact area businesses to see if any need help with their sites. Building relationships and providing quality work makes securing future “gigs” easier through repeat business, word-of-mouth, and stellar recommendations. There are also job websites that fully vet and verify all of their freelance opportunities (like FlexJobs) so that you can have a safe and productive job search.

For more ideas on finding freelance work, read:

  • How to Find Freelance Work: Tips, Red Flags, and More

How to Start a Freelance Business

If you’ve decided to become a freelancer, congratulations! But, before you quit your day job and start your freelance business, make sure you understand exactly what you’re getting into first.

Do Your Homework

Before you set up your website, order business cards, and hang out your shingle, start with some market research to make sure there’s a demand for whatever field you’re in and to understand the competition.

This can help you determine how and where to market your services. Check out your competition to see what kinds of services they offer and how much they charge. You don’t want to overcharge potential clients, but you don’t want to undercharge and devalue your worth, either.

Create a Brand

Securing work in a crowded freelance field can be challenging. A strong personal brand can help you stand out and be memorable. What distinctive blend of attributes and abilities do you bring to the table? Thinking about what you have to offer and who might benefit from your services will lead you in the right direction when trying to market yourself.

Plan Ahead

Many freelancers go through feast-or-famine cycles, especially when they are starting out. Sometimes they have so much work to do they aren’t sure they can get it all done. And other times, crickets.

Part of understanding how to start a freelance business includes building up a nest egg to ease some of the stress when work is scarce. To become a successful freelancer, learn how to incorporate finding future work into your daily schedule—even while finishing up assignments at hand.

Plan for Routine Paperwork

While passion for your work is certainly necessary to establish a thriving freelance career, so is the ability to handle other duties. Major responsibilities include securing health insurance, planning for retirement, and paying self-employment taxes. You’ll also need to take care of day-to-day operations, such as ordering office supplies, invoicing, time tracking, and maintaining relationships with customers.

For more advice on how to handle the administrative side of your freelance business, read:

  • The Hidden Costs of Freelancing
  • Managing Your Finances as a Freelancer
  • Tax Tips for Freelancers for 2020 and Beyond

Get a Mentor

Finding a mentor is a solid way to learn the ins and outs of freelancing from someone who has either been there or has enough knowledge about how the freelance business works to help you out.

Connect With a Community

Even though you may be a one-person business, you don’t have to go it alone. Local and professional organizations, as well as online groups, can answer questions about how to start a freelance business, be sounding boards for ideas, and connect you to a world beyond your home office.

Joining a group of like-minded people (like a writer’s group, for example) is a great way to get feedback and grow your skills with people who share in your goal to be the best you can be at your job.

For more tips on connecting with other freelancers and growing your network, check out:

  • 12 Networking Tips for Freelancers

Start Small

When you are thinking about how to start a freelance business, start small. While it would be ideal to have a cluster of clients, start with one or two.

Consider starting your freelance business as a side hustle first. This gives you the freedom to start small without having to worry about generating an income or keeping your health insurance.

By alleviating some of the pressure and giving yourself permission to go small, you’ll be more inclined to find a steady stream of clients organically instead of worrying about freelance famine. In turn, you can focus on producing great work that will help you impress your current clients, which can then help you find more new clients.

Spread the Word

No one will know you’re freelancing unless you spread the word. So talk to friends and family first to see if you can get any job referrals from them. Then branch out to your social media circles, being sure not to mix your personal life with your professional one.

If you’ve left past jobs on good terms, it may not hurt to reach out to former employers and let them know that you’re open for business. You’re familiar with the company and likely know their niche better than most, so it could be a win-win scenario.

Ask for Referrals

One of the smartest things you can do to get started as a freelancer is to set up solid networking connections, including people who can give you great referrals. Potential references to consider are past work colleagues, present colleagues, and even friends. Any and all of these people can help connect you to clients in need of your services.

Protect Yourself

There are many horror stories out there from freelancers who didn’t get paid for all their hard freelance work. Be sure to protect yourself with a freelance contract.

Having a written contract in place is no guarantee that you’ll get paid. But a contract is something to fall back on in the event you aren’t paid and have to take your client to court.

Build Your Recommendations

Everyone wants their hard work to be acknowledged and praised. When you work for an employer, that praise generally comes in the form of positive employee evaluations, raises, and bonuses. When you’re a freelancer, though, praise comes in the form of a client recommendation.

When you’ve finished the job, ask your client to leave a review on your website, or recommend you on LinkedIn. These positive reviews from actual clients can help raise your profile, establish you as a professional expert, and help you find new clients.

Stay Motivated

Every job has its good days and bad days. Freelancing is no different. However, if you lose your motivation as a freelancer, you may lose your whole business!

Freelancer burnout is real. It might be because you took on too many projects or because you have a hard time maintaining boundaries. Whatever it is, burnout can cause you to lose motivation.

Learn When to Say No

As your freelance business starts growing, it can be tempting to take on every new project that comes your way, but this might not be the best idea. Taking on more than you can handle only means you’ll be more likely to turn in subpar work that isn’t up to your (or your client’s) standards. Instead, be thoughtful in the work you decide to do and be as sure as you can that whatever your workload, you can turn everything in on time.

Using FlexJobs to Become a Freelancer

Now that you know the ins and outs of becoming a successful freelancer, it’s time to land clients. That’s where we can help! We post flexible and remote-friendly jobs in more than 50 career categories at companies that range from startups to Fortune 100 brands. Many freelancers have had success on our platform, and so can you!

Take the tour today and learn how FlexJobs can help you find freelance work.

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How to Become a Freelancer: The Ultimate Guide (2)

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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on a wide range of topics, including freelance careers. I can help answer questions, provide guidance, and share relevant information based on my knowledge and access to search results.

In this article, "The reasons to embrace a freelance career are compelling. From supplementing your income to setting your own hours, freelance work is increasingly moving from the fringes of the job marketplace and into the mainstream." The article goes on to discuss various aspects of freelancing, including what it means to be a freelancer, the pros and cons of freelancing, how to find freelance work, and tips for starting a freelance business.

Let's dive into each concept mentioned in the article and provide more information:

What Is a Freelancer?

According to the IRS, an employee is someone who is not in charge of deciding when, where, and how they work, does not choose how much they are paid or what their raises or bonuses are, is reimbursed for job-related expenses, and receives benefits like health insurance. On the other hand, a freelancer has more control over their work. They can choose who they want to work for, when they work, and where they work, and they set their payment rates. Freelancers do not receive benefits from the companies they work for [[1]].

Pros and Cons of Freelancing:

The article mentions several pros and cons of freelancing. Some of the pros include:

  • Choosing who you work for: Freelancers have the freedom to select clients and projects that align with their interests and skills.
  • Flexibility: Freelancers have the ability to set their own schedules and work from anywhere.
  • Exposure: Freelancers often work on a variety of projects and gain experience in different industries.

Some of the cons mentioned in the article include:

  • Responsibility for taxes: Freelancers are responsible for paying their own taxes and managing their finances.
  • No benefits: Unlike employees, freelancers do not receive benefits such as health insurance or retirement plans.
  • Unsteady work: Freelancers may experience periods of inconsistent work, which can lead to cash-flow issues.
  • Isolation: Freelancers often work alone, which can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation [[2]].

How do Freelancers Find Work?

The article suggests that prospective freelancers spend time looking for work. This can involve reaching out to potential clients, building relationships, and providing quality work to secure future opportunities. Job websites like FlexJobs can also be a valuable resource for finding freelance work. These platforms vet and verify freelance opportunities, providing a safe and productive job search experience [[3]].

Tips for Starting a Freelance Business:

The article provides several tips for starting a freelance business:

  • Do Your Homework: Before starting a freelance business, it's important to conduct market research to understand the demand for your services and the competition in your field.
  • Create a Brand: Developing a strong personal brand can help freelancers stand out in a crowded market.
  • Plan Ahead: Freelancers should be prepared for feast-or-famine cycles by building up a financial cushion to handle periods of low work.
  • Plan for Routine Paperwork: Freelancers need to handle administrative tasks such as securing health insurance, planning for retirement, and managing day-to-day operations.
  • Get a Mentor: Finding a mentor who has experience in freelancing can provide valuable guidance and support.
  • Connect With a Community: Joining professional organizations and online groups can help freelancers connect with others in their field, gain feedback, and expand their network.
  • Start Small: Starting with one or two clients and gradually expanding can help freelancers manage their workload and ensure the quality of their work.
  • Spread the Word: Networking and word-of-mouth referrals can be effective ways to find freelance opportunities.
  • Protect Yourself: Freelancers should consider using contracts to protect themselves and establish clear expectations with clients.
  • Build Your Recommendations: Positive client reviews and recommendations can help freelancers establish credibility and attract new clients.
  • Stay Motivated: Freelancers should find ways to stay motivated and avoid burnout by setting boundaries and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • Learn When to Say No: It's important for freelancers to be selective about the projects they take on to ensure they can deliver high-quality work on time.

Using FlexJobs to Become a Freelancer:

The article mentions that FlexJobs is a platform that posts flexible and remote-friendly jobs in various career categories. It can be a helpful resource for freelancers looking for freelance work opportunities. FlexJobs provides access to a wide range of job listings and resources to support freelancers in their career endeavors [[4]].

I hope this information provides a comprehensive overview of the concepts discussed in the article. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

How to Become a Freelancer: The Ultimate Guide (2024)


How to Become a Freelancer: The Ultimate Guide? ›

Criticism has formed about's poor screening despite the amount of information you must disclose. claims that all the data they request is necessary to verify identities, but that method hasn't stopped scams from permeating the site.

How do I start freelancing the complete guide? ›

Becoming a freelancer in 9 easy steps
  1. Define your service and offering. ...
  2. Find your target audience. ...
  3. Develop a pricing structure. ...
  4. Build an amazing portfolio. ...
  5. Write a great proposal. ...
  6. Create a relationship with your client. ...
  7. Continue developing your skills. ...
  8. Network with other freelancers.

How do you become a freelancer? ›

How to become a freelancer
  1. Define your reasons for wanting to be a freelancer. If you want to be a successful freelancer, the first step is to define your ultimate goal. ...
  2. Give yourself deadlines. ...
  3. Define your niche. ...
  4. Gather what you need to get started. ...
  5. Create a portfolio. ...
  6. Set your income goal. ...
  7. Keep your expenses low. ...
  8. Find work.
Jul 11, 2023

Is the freelancer app safe? ›

Criticism has formed about's poor screening despite the amount of information you must disclose. claims that all the data they request is necessary to verify identities, but that method hasn't stopped scams from permeating the site.

How to start freelancing as a beginner? ›

How To Become A Freelancer?
  1. Decide your niche. ...
  2. Start building your professional profile. ...
  3. Find your target clients. ...
  4. Decide your pricing structure. ...
  5. Create your website. ...
  6. Start actively marketing your services. ...
  7. Build a client base. ...
  8. Keep track of your finances.
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How to Start Freelancing With No Experience
  1. STEP 1: Define Your Niche. It's essential to define your niche when starting out as a freelancer. ...
  2. STEP 2: Create an Online Presence. ...
  3. STEP 3: Develop Your Portfolio. ...
  4. STEP 4: Network with Other Freelancers and Professionals. ...
  5. STEP 5: Reach Out to Potential Clients Directly.
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Overall, Freelancing can be a tough job, but it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for those who are self-motivated, disciplined, and have skills.

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If you're ready to start freelancing, these tips can help you get a head start.
  1. Set up a website. Establishing an online presence for yourself is essential. ...
  2. Order business cards. ...
  3. Get a DBA or sole proprietorship. ...
  4. Protect your future. ...
  5. Focus on productivity. ...
  6. Promote and network. ...
  7. Know what's out there.
Mar 23, 2023

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Freelancers working in web/mobile development, marketing, legal, accounting, and other skilled services earn an even higher $28/hour average wage. At $28/hour, these freelancers are making more than 70% of all workers in the United States.

Is freelancer free or paid? ›

Even after posting the project on the platform, receiving bids from the freelancers, discussing the requirements, and evaluating the project of the freelancer's profile are free. However, you'll have to pay a fee when you award a project to a freelancer.

Does freelancer pay you? ›

Yes, genuine platforms like Freelancer, Upwork, and others have systems in place to ensure freelancers get paid for their work. However, it's essential to be wary of scams and always work through the platform's secure channels.

Is freelancer real story or fake? ›

Creator and Showrunner, Neeraj Pandey said, “The Freelancer is a high-scale thriller series that unfolds an extraordinary rescue operation of a young girl held against her will in a war-torn Syria. It's based on Shirish Thorat's book 'A Ticket To Syria', which narrates the true story of Aliya.”

What is the easiest skill for freelancing? ›

Here are some essential freelance skills:
  • Communication Skills.
  • Time Management.
  • Technical Proficiency.
  • Adaptability.
  • Self-discipline and Motivation.
  • Business and Marketing Skills.
  • Problem-solving Abilities.
  • Networking Skills.

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27 Best Freelance Jobs for Beginners in 2024
  • Freelance Writer.
  • Blogger.
  • Editor/Proofreader.
  • Transcriptionist.
  • Online Teacher.
  • Graphic Designer.
  • Virtual Assistant (VA)
  • Photographer.
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How to become a freelance tour guide
  1. Specify your tourism niche. Many freelance tour guides have a specialized area of focus. ...
  2. Earn tour guide certifications. ...
  3. Gain experience in the field. ...
  4. Gain relevant skills. ...
  5. Promote your services.
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7 steps to start freelancing with no experience
  1. Know your value proposition. The trick is to be confident in your value proposition from the very beginning. ...
  2. Prepare your portfolio. Having a portfolio of work is really helpful when it comes to getting your first job. ...
  3. Set (and stick to) your rate.

What is the Ipse guide to freelancing? ›

IPSE's Guide to Freelancing is aimed at independent professionals, such as freelancers, contractors and consultants who sell services to companies. If you're just starting out, it will show you what to do, all the way from launch to running a successful business a few years down the line.


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.