Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Grated apple tenderizes what might otherwise be a heavy cake and remains evenly distributed in the cake after baking.
  • The cool syrup plumps the hot cake, infusing it with additional flavor and sweetness.
  • This Sephardic cake is an ideal Passover dessert, as it contains no flour or leavening.

Each year on the first night of Passover, Jews around the world gather at the seder table to tell the story of our ancestors’ exodus from Egypt. While it’s an evening imbued with both religious and cultural significance, in my house it’s also unapologetically about the food. There are a few predictable crowd favorites—the crisp and sweet blend of apples and walnuts calledcharoset; moist and tenderbrisket; andtzimmes, a slow-cooked vegetable stew—as well as armloads of bland, cracker-like matzo, and the perennial outcast, gefilte fish.

The meal ends in spirited singing and, frequently, a big disappointment: Passover dessert, two words that are never spoken in one breath with any kind of thrill. Because observant Jews forgochametz, or grains combined with leavening agents, for the eight days of Passover, and Jews who keep kosher must also wait a period of at least one hour to ingest dairy after eating meat, both dairy and grains are often proscribed for the dessert course, with results I’ve always found to be lackluster at best. More often than not, a matzo-meal cake graces the holiday table; honestly, I’ve never had a good one.

So, when a friend gave me her Persian auntie’s recipe fortishpishtimore than 20 years ago, I was eager to shake up my Passover table with a dessert that would have everyone asking for seconds. Tishpishti is a gluten- and chametz-free Sephardic cake, described by authors Lori Stein and Ronald H. Isaacs inLet’s Eat: Jewish Food and Faithas a Turkish version of the traditionallekach(honey cake) served for the Jewish High Holidays. Joan Nathan, inThe Foods of Israel Today, translates the name to "quick quickly" (tish, "quick," pluspishti, "quickly"), and, sure enough, it’s a very quick cake to make. The word itself is so festive and fun to say, I wanted nothing more than to announce "I’ve brought tishpishti!" at that year’s Passover seder.

Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (1)

The recipe itself is what sealed the deal, though—I knew as soon as I read it that it would hit all my buttons. In the same spirit of North African and Middle Eastern nut-based pastries doused in scented sugar syrup (think baklava), the traditional recipe produced a satisfying cake with an eggy, sturdy almond-meal batter studded with chopped walnuts. An extended three-hour soak in rosewater-scented syrup added moisture and gave the dish an aromatic, spongy, rich bite. It was damp and sticky, sweet and nutty.

I have to come clean, though: The cake was good, but a little too heavy and sweet for me, so I fiddled with the recipe. To balance the cake’s nutty density, I added apple to the batter, hoping to introduce some tart flavor and a more tender texture. In the original recipe, the chopped walnuts tended to separate into a layer at the top of the cake; with help from Serious Eats’ ownSohla El-Waylly, I made some adjustments to the ingredient list that resulted in a lighter, more hom*ogeneous texture. Finally, finding the rosewater in the syrup to be overwhelmingly floral and sweet for a dessert that already had plenty of sugar in the batter, I decided to swap in a Passover-appropriate component with a bit more complexity—apple brandy. Taken together, these modifications yielded a cake that isn’t exactly traditional, but is balanced and delicious nonetheless.

Here’s how I make my version of tishpishti, step by step.

Making the Syrup

Through trial and error, I’ve learned to always start this recipe by making the syrup, in order to give it time to cool. If it’s the least bit warm when poured over the cake, it doesn’t so much seep into the crumb as run right through and puddle, leaving the base of the cake irredeemably soggy.

In a small saucepan over high heat, I combine sugar and apple juice, boiling until the mixture hits 234°F (112°C) on an instant-read thermometer. This is the soft-ball stage—the mixture should be as thick and sweet as maple syrup.

Once it’s cooled slightly, I add a slug of that apple brandy. I found Calvados too fiery (and spendy) for my taste, but Applejack, an American apple brandy, has warm notes of cider and freshly raked leaves that turned out to be just right. ThoughLaird’s Applejackis the original, you may want to seek out a kosher-for-Passover rendition.Republic Restoratives’ Chapman’s Apple Brandy, named for Johnny "Appleseed" Chapman, is sensational here. The brandy’s boozy, tart, cider-y notes make for a more nuanced flavor—less sweet, more acidic—and, because it’s not grain-based, it’s also appropriate for Passover.

Along with the brandy, I add a big squeeze of lemon juice, then stir the mixture well before setting it aside to cool. The syrup can be made up to three days in advance or, if you prefer, shortly before you begin the rest of your prep. Regardless, it should be cool to the touch by the time you remove the cake from the oven.

Preparing the Pan

Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (2)

My next step is to prepare the cake pan. I line a 9-by-13-inch baking dish with parchment to cover the bottom and long sides of the pan. You’ll want to allow for overhang, or a parchment handle, on each of the long sides. This is an essential step, given that the hot cake needs to be lifted out of the pan for slicing, then returned to the pan before it’s doused in syrup.

Making the Cake

I start by beating the eggs, sugar, and salt together using a stand mixer until the mixture is thick and glossy and forms a ribbon when the beater is lifted. Then I add a neutral-flavored oil, like grapeseed or safflower—an improvement introduced by Sohla to help keep the batter springy, tender, and hom*ogeneous—in a slow stream until it completely emulsifies. Stirring in a couple tablespoons of freshly grated ginger at the end adds a warm and spicy undercurrent to the cake.

Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (3)

While tishpishti is known as a walnut cake, almond flour is what adds the necessary structure to it. Almond meal (made from ground whole almonds, including the outer skin) was the preferred flour alternative in the original recipe, but, after testing and retesting, we found that the finer grain of almond flour (made from blanched almonds) produced a lighter, less dense cake. Almond flour is available at many grocery stores, or easy to make at home, using whole, blanched almonds and a food processor for a fine grind that suits the cake well. I gently fold the almond flour into the batter, along with finely chopped walnuts—small pieces add texture without making the finished cake difficult to slice and serve—and cinnamon and nutmeg.

Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (4)

Finally, I grate moderately firm and tart apples (we opted for Fuji here) on the largest holes of a box grater and add it to the bowl with the batter. In earlier versions, I tried mincing, dicing, and slicing the apples, but I found that once I poured on the sweet syrup, the apple pieces would float out of the cake, unmoored by the batter. Grating the apples helps the fruit take hold, allowing it to lighten the crumb without separating into the syrup. There’s no need to peel first; just grate them right to the core.

Then I scrape the batter into the prepared pan, knock it on the counter a couple of times to dislodge any air bubbles, and slide the cake onto the lower-middle rack of a 350°F (180°C) oven, letting it bake until the surface is golden brown and bounces back to the touch, about 50 minutes.

The Syrup Infusion

Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (5)

Once it’s baked, you’ll be able to use your handy parchment handles to lift the cake and place it, still on the parchment, on a cutting board. Making two series of crisscrossing diagonal slices will form elegant diamond-shaped servings. Lift the sliced cake, again using the parchment handles, and return it to the pan.

Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (6)

Pour the cooled syrup over the still-hot cake, and let it seep in over the course of the next hour. If you wish, decorate the top of each piece with one perfect blanched almond, or a fan of sliced or slivered almonds.

Though my version departs from the original recipe, the essence of traditional tishpishti resonates in this airy cake—light, apple-filled, rich with buttery walnuts, and completely gluten-free. After the tishpishti has soaked up the syrup, you can serve it right away, with a topping of whipped cream, ice cream, or yogurt if your diet allows. Or you can make it a day in advance, giving you less to worry about if you’re preparing it for a seder or another large get-together. Give this recipe a shot, and you just might say good-bye to sad matzo-meal cakes for good.

March 2018

Recipe Details

Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake)

Prep25 mins

Cook65 mins

Active20 mins

Resting Time60 mins

Total2 hrs 30 mins

Serves12 servings


For the Syrup:

  • 1 cup sugar (7 ounces; 200g)

  • 1 1/2 cups unsweetened apple juice (12 ounces; 340g)

  • 2-inch piece ginger (2 ounces; 60g), unpeeled, cut in half lengthwise and smashed

  • Zest from 1 medium lemon

  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice (1/2 ounce; 14g), from about 1 lemon

  • 4 tablespoons Applejack brandy (2 ounces; 60g)

For the Cake:

  • 4 large eggs (6.8 ounces; 190g)

  • 3/4 cup sugar(5 3/4 ounces; 160g)

  • 1 teaspoon (4g) Diamond Crystal kosher salt; for table salt, use about half as much by volume or the same by weight

  • 1 cup vegetable oil (8 ounces; 220g), or any other neutral oil

  • 2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger (1 ounce; 30g)

  • 2 1/2 cups almond flour (8 ounces; 230g)

  • 1 1/2 cups finely chopped walnuts (6.2 ounces; 175g)

  • 2 teaspoons (6g) ground cinnamon

  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly gratednutmeg

  • 2 cups grated unpeeled Fuji apple (12 ounces; 340g), from about 2 medium apples


  1. Getting Ready: Adjust rack to lower-middle position and preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a 9- by 13-inch anodized aluminum baking pan with parchment paper, covering bottom and long sides of pan. (It's all right to leave the short sides exposed.) Lightly grease pan with nonstick cooking spray.

  2. For the Syrup: In a 2-quart nonreactive saucepan over medium-high heat, simmer together sugar, apple juice, ginger, and lemon zest until syrup reaches 234°F (112°C) on an instant-read thermometer. Remove syrup from heat and add lemon juice and Applejack. Set aside and allow to cool to room temperature.

    Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (7)

  3. For the Cake: In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine eggs, sugar, and salt. Using a whisk attachment, whip on high until eggs become thick, pale, and ribbon-y, about 10 minutes. With mixer running on medium, slowly drizzle in oil in a thin stream until fully incorporated and thick. Whisk in grated ginger, about 10 seconds, then shut off mixer and remove bowl.

    Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (8)

  4. Using a flexible rubber spatula, fold in almond flour, walnuts, cinnamon, and nutmeg until combined. Fold in grated apple. Pour batter into prepared pan and gently tap on the counter to evenly distribute. Bake until golden brown and top of cake bounces back to the touch, about 50 minutes.

    Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (9)

  5. While cake is still warm, loosen exposed short sides of cake from pan using an offset spatula or butter knife. Using parchment paper as a handle, lift cake out of pan and onto a cutting board. Cut cake into diamond shapes by making a series of diagonal slices in one direction across the cake, then making another series of diagonal slices in the opposite direction. Lift sliced cake, again using parchment, and return to pan. Strain syrup over warm cake using a fine-mesh strainer, then let sit at least 1 hour to allow cake to fully absorb syrup. Serve.

    Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (10)

Special Equipment

9-by-13-inch anodized aluminum baking pan, medium nonreactive saucepan or saucier, stand mixer, instant-read thermometer, fine-mesh strainer

Read More

  • 12 Passover Dessert Recipes for a Sweet Finish
Apple-Ginger Tishpishti (Gluten-Free Almond and Walnut Cake) Recipe (2024)


What is a substitute for flour in almond meal? ›

All purpose flour won't work in things like meatballs but it's a good option for cakes and other sweets. You can just replace almond flour with regular flour 1:1 by weight. But I find adding 20% less flour gives the best and most consistent results.

What can I use almond flour for? ›

Almond flour is versatile — its nutty flavor and delicate texture work beautifully in all kinds of cookies, cakes, and breads. It can also be used as a gluten-free breading or coating for fried or baked foods. You can also use it as a thickening agent in soups, stews, and sauces.

What happens if you use all-purpose flour instead of almond flour? ›

Almond flour can carry more moisture than traditional flour, therefore, you may need to add more of it to a recipe to prevent watery batter or dough. The extra moisture helps prevent baked goods from drying out quickly.

What is a gluten free substitute for almond flour? ›

Sunflower Seed Flour

A seed flower, this almond flour replacement is gluten-free and high in nutrients. As a seed, it is also good for those with nut allergies. It's made from finely ground sunflower seeds and has a mild and nutty flavor. It is coarser than other flours, so may need to be sifted for best results.

Why can't you use baking powder with almond flour? ›

Since baking powder contains baking soda, baking powder cannot be used in almond flour baking. Instead, eggs (or applesauce or bananas) can be used as the leavening agent to help baked goods rise and achieve a light and fluffy texture.

What is a good binding agent for almond flour? ›

In the absence of gluten, almond flour needs a little help to bind ingredients together. Eggs are a traditional and effective binding agent, providing structure and elasticity. However, for those seeking a vegan option or for recipes that don't require eggs, xanthan gum is a popular alternative.

Can I use gluten-free flour instead of almond flour? ›

With some recipes, using a gluten-free flour blend can be helpful when it comes to finding a substitute for almond flour. If you want to make your own gluten-free flour blend, you will need: 2 cups of rice flour. ⅔ cup potato starch.

Can almond meal be used as flour? ›

If you aren't avoiding AP flour for an allergy, you can start experimenting with almond flour by substituting 1/4 of the flour called for in a recipe with almond flour. If the recipe is already written for almond flour, you can substitute almond meal 1:1. That means that the two are interchangable.

What flour is closest to almond flour? ›

Coconut flour: This is a popular gluten-free alternative to almond flour. It has a slightly sweeter taste and a more coarse texture, so you may need to adjust the amount of liquid in your recipe when using it. Sunflower seed flour: This is another gluten-free alternative that can be used in place of almond flour.

Can almond meal be used instead of flour in baking? ›

We would suggest only substituting a small proportion of flour with almond meal. If you wish to avoid flour because of an intolerance to wheat then you could look at using one of the wheat free flour mixtures that are now available instead of regular plain (all-purpose) flour.

Is almond meal and flour interchangeable? ›

You can use almond meal and almond flour interchangeably in most recipes. Still, almond meal is typically preferred as a bread crumb substitute or coating element, while almond flour is preferred for baking.


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